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If you’re looking to take on your own pilgrimage — along a route filled with beautiful countryside and rustic villages of Northern Spain — start here, at the Camino de Santiago. On this eight-day trip, complete the last 100 km of the pilgrimage route to Santiago and receive a "compostela" at the finish to prove your accomplishment. Refuel with tasty Spanish food and take the time to stop and smell the flowers — it’s active but at a slower, more picturesque pace.
Please note that there will be a service fee of NOK 200 | SEK 200 | USD 25 | EUR 25 per person/cancelled service in addition to any fees charged by the service provider. For our regular Terms & Conditions please refer to our web site https://https://www.reisebazaar.no/content/reisebazaar-reisevilkår3 (only in Norwegian at the moment)